Training hard is a privilege. At some point in your life you will not be able to push your body like you can now. Some people have never been able to push their bodies. Enjoy this opportunity while you can. Having the ability to lift, condition, and play hard is a
gift that can easily be taken for granted. The nature of the human mind demands that you embrace discipline in order to be
successful. The most successful athletes in the world are the ones who are the most disciplined. Without discipline absolutely nothing of any value can be accomplished.The athletes that are disciplined are the ones that can be relied on. These are the same
athletes who are committed to their lifting, conditioning, and film watching. The manners in which you prepare yourself physically and mentally are indications of your discipline. In order for you to reach your maximum potential you must have a strong sense of self-discipline.Concentration is the collection and application of facts or data. A high level of mental focus may not come naturally but can be improved with practice. Your ability to consolidate your mental effort to one task can be one of the determining factors of how
successful you are. Individuals who pay attention to detail will enable themselves to achieve maximum results in the shortest amounts of time. Your ability to maximize your potential throughout your athletic career will correlate directly to your ability to focus
your mind on the task at hand. All successful teams have leaders that demonstrate how to behave. These individuals have a strong sense of team values and put the team before any self-interests. These are the athletes that work hard, take responsibility for their actions, and serve as extension of the coaching staffs. A leader is a person who looks in the mirror when things go wrong.
They do not point the finger at their teammates. Effective leaders lead by example. They do not need to run their mouth to be heard. Their actions on and off the court speak volumes. A leader is an individual who is confident in his or her abilities and provides
nothing but their best. Many athletes can get excited for a short period of time. Anyone can provide a
maximum effort sporadically. However, the true measure of character is the ability of a person to sustain a maximum effort over the long run. This definitely is not easy. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Never allow yourself the luxury of having a bad day.
Find ways to create intensity for you and your teammates. Always be “on”. Be the bright spot. Never allow self-pity and doubt to creep in. Do not allow yourself to quit. Never give into fatigue. You must always play to win. You must always provide an all
out effort in everything that you do. Intensity, intensity, intensity!