No BS, confusing formulas or overly scientific jargon.

Just the truth about what really works for genetically average, drug-free dudes like you.

But first, let’s address the single most important factor in building muscle: getting stronger.

Rule #1: To Get Big You Have to Get Strong
That’s the #1 rule of building muscle. There are no two ways around it. By continually using the same weights you’ll never gain significant size because you never give your body a reason to adapt. You have to force adaptation.

All the supersets, drop sets, strip sets, complexes and fancy training techniques in the world will never be able to trump simple progressive overload. So always strive to add weight or do more reps over time.

Rule #2: Use Compound Lifts & Bodyweight Exercises
You’re not going to build serious amounts of muscle with a workout comprised of machine exercises and isolation movements. You have to overload your body with big, manly, testosterone producing exercises like squats, deadlifts, presses, high pulls and rows.

Those exercises should be complimented by an equal amount of muscle building bodyweight exercises like chin ups, dips, single leg squats and handstand pushups.

The combination of big lifts and bodyweight exercises will produce an athletic, muscular physique that any man would be proud of.

Rule #3: Train With Passion & Intensity
Unless you truly love going to the gym and giving it your all you’ll never get much bigger or stronger. If you’re just gonna go through the motions and phone it in don’t even waste your time. It’s not worth it.

Only those who absolutely love this shit, those who go to the gym and bust their asses with passion and intensity will make significant gains.

If you’re constantly doubting and second guessing your program, always looking for a better workout, over analyzing everything you do because you’ve read too much conflicting info on the internet, you will always be small and weak. That’s just how it is.

Believe in what you’re doing and know that doing anything you aren’t truly passionate about is a complete waste of time and energy.